Gratitude is an Attitude

November 29, 2011

Articles, Soul Seeds

Have you ever gone through times when you did not have very much of… well, anything? I am not speaking of those things that we do not need yet greedily seek, never being content with what we have. I am talking about just your basic necessities not being met. Have your struggles ever been so great that you have no idea how to keep the roof over your head for another month, let alone where your next meal is going to come from? While some of us have never known such financial struggle, others have known even worse.

I have experienced both sides of the fence. Not being able to meet your own needs is scary enough, but I think it is even more so when you a have child or someone else that your responsible for and who is depending on you with their very life.

I recently wrote, The Simplicity of Gratitude wanting to take nothing for granted and realizing how my own financial struggles have definitely made me more appreciative of even the smallest things that come my way. This is not some new revelation however, as it is something I have thought since I was very young.

But, perhaps we forget to be thankful once in awhile when things are going so great and therefore, maybe we are allowed opportunities (or struggles) as a reminder? That is why I wrote, Would I Ever Know Jesus?It is not about being a martyr, but rather how to recognize something good out of something bad, a chance to focus on the positives instead of the negatives, an opportunity for God to turn a curse into a blessing.

God is good and supplies our every need. We may not always like to admit it, but He knows what our needs are better than we do. I have a daughter and a couple of friends (some old and some new) that are reminders to me of what is truly important in this life.

On one hand, we need to survive and have our most basic needs and those of our families met. And I must admit, during times of struggle when my faith might not be as strong, there is nothing that restores it more than when people I don’t even know lend a helping hand. To be an unknown blessing to someone in need, is indeed to plant a seed (I just figured out a new poem!)

On the other hand, I have been stripped of everything before and yet my spirit can still rise above that circumstance, because of a simple embrace, someone’s attitude of grace, a listening ear, a word of encouragement, a small note left to brighten your day… I don’t know about you, but I soar from these seemingly small, but most significant acts of love. So, “thank you” to my daughter and my friends.

*May we never forget the blessings that come our way and may our attitudes reflect our gratitude and prayers of thanks.

Soul Seeds…

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35 Comments on “Gratitude is an Attitude”

  1. Ngobesing Romanus Says:

    You are a great writer indeed! This is beautifully written. Out of small things big ones can emerge. The idea of the mustard seed. If we don’t appreciate small things we cannot appreciate big ones.


  2. chaplaineliza Says:

    Thanks for your honest, heart-felt post, Jessie. You and me, both. I suspect we could both blog about going without, and having others depend on us. But, I also appreciate your gratitude. If I want to get out of my head/depression/feeling sorry for myself, there is nothing like service to others. Gratitude is all bound up in service. And kindness. And support.

    Again, thanks for reminding me of all of the above.


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Yes, my friend… I believe our service to others is really the key and why we are here. Thanks so much for your kind compliments and reading. Have a blessed day in the Lord!


  3. Writing to Freedom Says:

    wise words Jessie, Gratitude is key for me too. It’s amazing how it can shift things, Blessings, Brad


  4. Harbans Says:

    One who has seen both the sides of life knows how those who do not have feel with nothing at their disposal. This nothingness just gives sometimes encouragement to come to term with reality and in another times this situation gives innate strength to face the fact and work towards removing the reason for this ‘nothingness’ and move ahead. This is a testing time but I think this is the time when we learn a sweet lesson of our life. It also affords us an opportunity to seek our Lord’s assistance. We also solidify our internal defences and move ahead with head held high.


  5. gretiana Says:

    Jessie we definitely have much in common. I have known absolute lack in my life, the kind where you lack things just take for granted…food, clothing…you can name them. Through it all I have learned to be grateful to God for everything. I thank Him for the sunlight, the breath of life, food, water …I know how to be grateful because I know what it means to lack just everything


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Yes, it’s a hard lesson to learn sometimes. I wish so many of us didn’t have to learn it the hard way though. I appreciate your visits and got your blog now as well :) Happy Holidays and many blessings!


  6. balroop2013 Says:

    Hi Jessie…I have just discovered your blog which seems to be full of profound thoughts…loved reading this post, the ending caption is such a beautiful thought! Gratitude itself is such a humble word and when we know we have got what we need, further ennobles us.
    Thanks Jessie!


  7. Wendell A. Brown Says:

    I had not read this before and i am glad i did today as it is a true blessing to read! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and your spirits life… i am so very blessed by it today. Much love to you Jessie and may you and your family be blessed in a very abundant way this new year my sister!


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Funny thing my friend… I haven’t read this for many months myself, but did so after reading your comment. I must thank you as well, because its a reminder that turns out to be exactly what I need at this moment in my life again.

      I hope you had a wonderful Holiday with your family Wendell and Happy New Year to you!


  8. Caddo Veil Says:

    This is wonderful! I think when we finally catch on to the “attitude of gratitude”, life goes so much more smoothly–at least, it has changed everything for me!! God bless you abundantly in the New Year–love, sis Caddo


  9. BettyB Says:

    God bless yu


  10. Pam Ford Davis Says:

    Thanks for targeting my like button. Your name is beautiful!
    Wing His Words,


  11. lscotthoughts Says:

    Hi Jessie,

    Sandra beat me to it, but I’ve also nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please visit my blog when you can: You have a wonderful blog here and in the short time I’ve “known” you, I can tell you are a beautiful person who can touch so many peoples lives with your stories and faith~
    Lauren :)


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Wow my friends… I am so honored. And thank you so much Lauren! I was actually going to post the question of, what do I do if I’ve received more than one nomination for the same award? Of course, I’d like to mention you both when I post. You are such a sweet soul and I’ve already been blessed tremendously by knowing you ~ you truly are a beautiful poet and I’m grateful for our connection. So many blessings and prayers to you, girlfriend :)


      • lscotthoughts Says:

        Thanks, Jessie, for you very kind and gracious words. I’m humbled~Also, in answer to your question, I would choose 15 blogs and simply thank Sandra and I. I don’t think it’s necessary to post it twice, choosing 30 blogs…I’m new to this, too, but have also received several awards (humbly, again) and I had the same question. I saw what others did and I think that is fine. I hope this makes sense…Blessings and hugs to you! :)


        • Jessie Jeanine Says:

          Yes Lauren, that makes sense. I thank God for the different ways we can promote, support and encourage one another :) Warm wishes! ♥¸¸.•*¨*•♥ HUGS ♥•*¨*•.¸¸♥


  12. Simon Paynton Says:

    Jessie, I think you’re an angel. You have a lot to offer people.


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Wow, my friend… my gut response is, “thanks, but if you only knew about all my flaws…” I have to keep reminding myself and practicing how to receive compliments graciously, because it’s difficult for me. It’s so much easier to do here though than in person :) I appreciate your kindness and your visit.


  13. judithhb Says:

    Firstly, thank yo for subscribing to my blog.
    The first post of yours that I read was kidnapped and I am still reeling from that. I am constantly amazed at the courage that people display and rad more about it most days when catching up with my blogging friends,
    I applaud you for your honesty and courage in posting your blog. Thank you.


  14. wonderingpilgrim Says:

    Shared by someone who is more that a survivor. You are a thriver. God bless.


  15. sandrabranum Says:

    We are surrounded by angels often in human form. I have been blessed so many times that I try to help as many as I can along the way. I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award. You can go to my website for more information.


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Wow ~ gratitude indeed my friend :) I’ve just read about this on your site and I am so honored. Thank you! I must admit (being a newbie still) I need to research it more to find out what it means, but of course, I plan to participate. I just love finding other great people and causes to bless! How thoughtful of you and so very much appreciated. Many Blessings and warm wishes :) ❤ HUGS ❤


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