Remember the Silence

August 18, 2012


I will begin this long over due post with a sincere thank you, from my heart to yours, for all the warm emails and inquiries I’ve received wondering about where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. It means so much knowing others care and I appreciate all your encouragement and continued support. Please know I am responding as much as I’m able to right now.

Obviously, I’ve been off the map for awhile. There is good reason, as some major changes have taken place in our lives, but I’m not able to safely write about them yet. The circumstances I’m currently in have frozen certain aspects of my writing and for really good reasons. The only thing I can say at the moment is… it seems another chapter has begun.

I am clinging to all I have ever known, remembering that no matter what, my fairy tale ending is with Christ. Sometimes I feel so foolish hoping for anything more in this life, but then I think about how the wrong side wins when we lose our hope or faith.

I want you to remember this block of time though… a time when silence speaks louder than words, because we will come back to it in the future. In the meantime, I will try to get the flow of writing and creativity going again as much as possible. Please keep us in your prayers.


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26 Comments on “Remember the Silence”

  1. Cherilyn Clough Says:

    Thought of you today and prayed for you. I feel you have a bright young voice and I pray that no enemy can silence your beautiful soul! Jesus is with you!


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      It seems strange, after all I’ve gone through, for this to be my greatest struggle at this point in life… many thanks for your prayers, encouragement and sweet words friend.


  2. fivereflections Says:

    jessie jeanine – great to see your post – my deepest regards


  3. Drusilla Mott Says:

    I, too, had taken time away – to work on some of my own issues, and am only now just getting back into visiting others’ blogs. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless.


  4. isaiah43123 Says:

    It is in the silence we can hear God the loudest and most clear. Keep the Faith!


  5. granbee Says:

    Praying so very fervently for you, dear JessieJ! And I quite understand and appreciate this important time of “silence” on your part.


  6. Searching for the Light Says:

    Wondered what had happened to you. Your courage and faith are inspiring, I hope whatever you are currently involved in works out for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


  7. Arpita Myles Says:

    Dear Jessie……Just out of the blue, without any rhyme or reason, I happened to click on the link to your blog after a long time. And saw this post. Jessie, I have been struggling with some issues in life for quite sometime, waiting for their resolution and becoming despaired with everything that’s going on. Then suddenly, God directs me to read these lines written by you: “I am clinging to all I have ever known, remembering that no matter what, my fairy tale ending is with Christ. Sometimes I feel so foolish hoping for anything more in this life, but then I think about how the wrong side wins when we lose our hope or faith.”
    I have said this before and I will say it again, you are truly doing God’s work by using your talents to bring hope to people like me. Thanks to you, I have begun my day and a new week with renewed faith and hope and with the reminder that Christ should be my ultimate quest, not the petty things of this world.
    God bless you, girl. May you always be happy and prosperous.


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      My friend… what a blessing you are! My heart soars and your words are like a sweet song of confirmation encouraging me as well, which is exactly what I needed right now. I have tears of gratitude for what you have shared here so, “thank you.” It gives me just as much hope when opportunities arise to connect with others like this and deepen our convictions. I will keep you in prayer and may happiness and contentment surround you in the days to come. Christ’s love to you!


  8. Linda Willows Says:

    You will be in my prayers


  9. conmakhalirazx Says:

    Thanks for this post. I will remember you in my prayers.


  10. rvcallope Says:

    hi dear, i have read your posts and they are beautiful !!! do you mind if i invite you to read my blog posts ??? would be looking forward to you. love rv


  11. lscotthoughts Says:

    You have been missed, Jessie, and will remain in my prayers~


  12. Richard L Rice Says:

    We will wait with you.



  1. Enough is Enough! « Jessie Jeanine - October 29, 2012

    […] I said earlier that ‘another chapter has begun’ and I wasn’t able to “safely” write […]

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