Why Must We Suffer?

December 1, 2011

Articles, Soul Seeds

The Bible is chucked full of so many verses which instruct us to give Him thanks and praise at ALL times, and yes my friends, that means even during times of suffering. God is good and never changing, which makes Him worthy of our praise no matter what and in every circumstance.

Did I lose some of you… already?

Please, hear me out and if you’re thinking I must be someone who’s never had to overcome adversity in my life, then I encourage you to take a peak at my stories, friend.

Life isn’t fair and God never said it would be. He did not promise us a life without hardships. Each of us has a story and a cross to bear. The paths of our struggles may be different, but our suffering is ultimately the same; as is love. I believe pain is pain and love is love. It is how we can relate to one another and to Christ. He became a man to insure this for each one of us (and for a few more pretty awesome reasons too, of course!)

As my life has been a constant battle with one misfortune after another it seems, and at times I just want to cry out, Why God? When will it ever stop? I’m so tired!” I have been reminded of the book of Job once more and so I have been studying it yet, again.

A Dialogue of Poetry…

Job is a good and decent man, very wealthy and always tries his best to avoid the pitfalls of Satan, even though the forces of evil are relentless!  Job worships God, but Satan argues that Job is good and only does so, because God has blessed him abundantly. So, Satan challenges God to let him take away all that is good from Job, because he thinks Job will finally curse and blame God.

Guess what ~ God agrees to this test.

But, why would God allow Satan free reign over Jobs life to tempt him in ways that would break most men?

For the same reasons He allowed Jesus. And the same reason He allows you and I to be exposed to evil and tested. God’s greatest gift to mankind is our freewill and God wants us to choose Him over sin. He does not want to force us into a relationship with Him, nor is there any real love in forced praise.

Are You Still With Me Friends…?

So, Satan destroys everything good in Job’s life (he is not to claim his actual life though.) He is stripped of his health, his wealth and his family. Does Job curse God for it, though? Let’s see… Job’s response is (and I love this) “Naked I came out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return: Lord has given, and Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of Lord.” Now, can you imagine any greater way to defeat your enemies? I can’t help but to smile from ear to ear every time I read this! Satan then goes so far as to enlist the help of Job’s wife as she tempts him with, “Curse God and die!” but Job never does.

In the end, Job’s faith and choice not to blame God enables God to bless him. Job’s health, family and wealth are all restored, and with more abundance than what he started with. How cool is that!

“So, does that mean I should just passively accept all this hardship
and expect I’ll get rich and famous?”

Of course not!  Therefore take up the whole armor of God ~ having girded your waist with truth ~ put on the breastplate of righteousness ~ the shield of faith ~ the helmet of salvation ~ and the sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:13-17) I do my best to arise for battle everyday, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities.

And as I’ve said before, it’s not about being a martyr either…

Perhaps suffering is allowed in our lives to purify,
teach and strengthen our souls.

Will we condemn and curse God with bitterness when we are tested in order that we might justify ourselves? Will we allow it to separate us from His love or will it bring us closer to Him and to one another? Here’s another question…

“Would there be a need for God’s blessings or a reason to give praise if it weren’t for our struggles?”

I challenge you to think about this one for a moment. How else might God be able to bless you if you didn’t have a need that He could fill? So many times it has been in my greatest hours of need that He has provided and blessed me generously. Or how often would you really seek Him if it weren’t for your struggles? How often would you praise Him if it weren’t for His blessing you through the hands of others?

Soul Seeds…

Don’t get me wrong ~ I am not grateful for my trials and pain, but I would never change my past (nor, would I wish it upon my worst enemy!) My struggles have only encouraged me into a deeper relationship with God and they continue to fuel my fire for Him. It has also made me into the woman who you are getting to know :) And just like some of you, I’ve thought it possible to drown myself with my own tears and I run the risk of complaining if the door is left open. I can get as emotional about the hardships of my life as I choose to let myself, but I could not have survived thus far, living with that approach or mentality. God, who is my strength and fortress is how I’ve survived it ~ by choosing to hold tight to His perspectives, as best I can, and not to mans.

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18 Comments on “Why Must We Suffer?”

  1. sandrabranum Says:

    When my son was little, he often asked me difficult philosophical questions that were hard to answer, but the one I remember most is: “Why is there sadness?” My answer: “Without sadness, we would not know happiness; without evil, we would not know good because there would be nothing to compare it to.” So, without suffering we would be dead. May the suffering help us all to grow.


  2. Eugene Adkins Says:

    I truly do admire your willingness to overcome and to not be overcame. I believe that your experience and your willingness to share your thoughts about the reality of evil and also your ability to have faith in the love of God that you hold to is a powerful example.


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Now… you have me in tears my friend (don’t worry, it’s a good thing!) I appreciate how you’ve worded this SO much as it encompasses everything that I’m trying to do perfectly. To know that it’s coming across that way is an amazing and beautiful work of the Lord and my heart is rejoicing and so grateful :) Thank you.


  3. adalamar Says:

    I find your blog very encouraging and you write with much wisdom. Thank you for sharing!


  4. Brian Says:

    I love how you are revealing yourself. I think that the journey we call Christianity is such a personal thing. So personal that we think it should remain hidden. You are good at exposing the truth.


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Thank you. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement and I love how you worded this, “so personal that we think it should remain hidden” that is truly beautiful to me. Transparency can be scary, but it also means freedom!


  5. worshipandswag Says:

    Your faith is encouraging! Thanks so much for this :)


  6. "Surviving the Storm Blog" Says:

    This is such a great post. Many of us avoid suffering not understanding the benefit we can gain and growth we can acquire during the process. During my greatest times of suffering I have growth closer to God. Thank you for sharing this post.


  7. fromtheheartofj Says:

    JessieJeanine I admire your courage in speaking out about your journey of faith. I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog award…please stop by my blog to read more about it. God Bless you!


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Thank you so much my friend and I’m very grateful! I have been enjoying your blog as well and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Of course I plan to participate :) This is my 3rd nomination of the evening (amazing and humbling!) and I’m still a newbie, so I pray everyone can be a bit patient with me please, as I search for others to nominate myself. Many blessings!


  8. J.D. Clemente Says:

    A well rounded view of personal struggles meeting the Savior. Beautiful piece.


    • Jessie Jeanine Says:

      Thank you and good insight :) I appreciate that you took the time to read it and comment, as I’d meant to end it in a question format to invite some discussion, but forgot. I’m still learning the fine art of blogging =D Blessings!


  9. poeticjourney Says:

    Beautiful post, ty for sharing! Job story always amaze me! God Bless You:)


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